Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Updating URL field using Lists.asmx

Updating URL field using SharePoint Lists Web Service (Lists.asmx)

One thing that I always complain about SharePoint 2007 web service is lack of documentation and samples.  This is the most neglected areas of SharePoint 2007.  I hope this have been improved in SharePoint 2010 especially since Microsoft has added a lot of new web services.

I had been working on a jQuery based SharePoint solution to display a modal popup to all the visitors. Apart from displaying the jQuery pop up dialogue on page load, I also had to record the history about visitor.

I had to update the list items using Lists.asmx UpdateListItems() method. 

My custom list had following fields:-

Field Name
This field is used to record the login name of logged in user
This field is used to store the link of a text file hosted on server.

After struggling for some time I found that updating the URL field requires some additional attention, since the SharePoint URL field value consists of two parts <URL>, <Description>. Even when working with Object Modal we have to use SPUrlFieldValue.

Please make sure to follow these guidelines while updating the URL field through web services.

-          Please notice that URL needs to include “http://” e.g., generally we write and think that SharePoint should be intelligent enough to append http, but this is not the case.

-          The other thing is that we need to make sure to include a space between the comma (,) and description.  So our URL field value needs to have <URL including http://>,<SPACE><Description>, e.g., Google.

Please pay extra attention while updating/Reading the URL field (through Web Service or thorough object modal).

Here is how the element should look in your soap envelope.

<Field Name=”URL”>http:\\, Google</Field>

Here is my soap envelop for calling the UpdateListItems() method. I have omitted the other parts of calling the web service for clarity. (You get lots of examples through Google)
                // The SOAP Envelope
var soapEnv =
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?> \
                <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi=\"\" \
                xmlns:xsd=\"\" \
                xmlns:soap=\"\"> \
                <soap:Body> \
                <UpdateListItems xmlns=\"\"> \
                <listName>Audit</listName> \
 <updates> \
<Batch OnError=\"Continue\"> \

                                                                                <Method ID=\"1\" Cmd=\"New\"> \

                                                                                                <Field Name=\"Title\">Some Text</Field> \

<Field Name=\"URL\">, Google</Field> \

                                                                                </Method> \


                </updates> \
                </UpdateListItems> \
                  </soap:Body> \

Hope this helps someone in need J

Sudhir Kesharwani 

1 comment:

11MB said...

Not just that. What if there is a , in the URL part. In that case it has to be escaped using another comma.

URL: http://abcd/def, ghi/
Description: My desciption

The string to send:
http://abcd/def,, ghi/, My desciption