Monday, December 15, 2008

Pune User Group Meet - First Public Appearance

Saturday13th Dec 2008 was a superb day of my life,

I had taken my first session on Windows Sharepoint Services 3.0 with one of my best collegue Akhilesh Nirapure (

It was my first public appearance on the Sharepoint. Giving me motivation for futher session.

I see that WSS 3.0/MOSS 2007 is still a jargon for most ot the people. The crowd was a good mix of people, starting with young studends (member of microsoft student partner) till IT Head of the company who were the decision makers.

It was a wonderful experience, I hope that it is the same for the audience. Apparently i had gone for Pune User Group meet for the first time (that too as a speaker).

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Checking if logged in user is member of Sharepoint Site

To check if current logged in user is member of current site. We could loop through groups available for the current site and check if user is member of the group.

SPWeb object defines a method SPWeb.IsCurrentUserMemberOfGroup(int groupid). This method takes the credentials of logged in user and Group ID as parameter.
Group id can be obtained from SPGroup object. SPWeb object also has one property SPWeb.Groups. Simply loop through this collection and check if logged in user is member of this group.

Following code snippet checks if user is member of group (except visitor group).

SPWeb web = SPContext.Current.Web;
bool isMember = false;
foreach (SPGroup group in web.Groups)
//If it is visitors group, do not check user membership
if(group != web.AssociatedVisitorGroup)
isMember = web.IsCurrentUserMemberOfGroup(group.ID);
//Check if user is member of this site.
if (isMember==true)
if (isMember)
// other task to do if user is member

SPWeb class has properties that can be used to determine Visitors Groups/Members Groups and Groups associated with web site.

Gets a list of the groups that are associated with the Web site.
Gets the users who have been given contribute permissions to the Web site.
Gets or sets the associated owner groups of the Web site.
Gets or sets the associated visitor group of the Web site.

Sudhir Kesharwani

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Passed 70-542 - MOSS Application Development

I completed my sharepoint certification series by passing the other Application Development certification paper 70-542 MOSS 2007 Application Develpoment.
It was relatively much easier then the previous paper (70-541 - WSS 3.0 Application Development).
I had done all the preperation from just one book, "Inside Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server 2007" by
by Patrick Tisseghem, this book contains everything you need to get your MCTS credentials for MOSS- Application Development.

Most of the questions were from following topics, i think you should go through following chapters really carefully before going for exam:
Chapter3- Customizing and Extending the Microsoft Office Sharepoint 2007 Search

Chapter4 - Working With Business Data Catelog.

Chapter7 - Integrating with Excel Services.

Chapter8 - Policy and Records management.

Belive me this paper is much more easier then Windows Sharepiont Services paper, and contains most of the questions from sharepiont settings and out of the box functionaliy.

All the best...

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Passed 70-541 - WSS Application Development


I cleared 70-541 WSS Application Development, 70% of the questions were from APIs..

Here are some of the areas that i remember :

- A lot of questions were asked from this area, feature deployment, attaching event handlers with features
- There was a question which asked how we can get a list of features activated in a farm.

- Question on how to associate custom pages with workflows.
- Creating and updating a task using workflows.
- deploying workflows and associating it with document library.
- Deploying workflows and assiciating it with content types.

Admin APIs
- Questions related to changing settings using code.

Alerts & SPJobDefination
- Browsing through user alerts,
- changing frequency of user alerts.
- There was a question in which we have to get user alerts for 1 week using CAML query.
- There was another question where we need to fetch all the alerts that were to be sent on every monday for 5 weeks ( 5 occurances).
- Browsing through all the active job definitions.

Masterpages and Layouts
- Setting masterpages of all the rootsite and subsites using API.

- Creating webparts and deploying.
- Deploying webparts as feature and hosting user control.
- Creating connectable webparts and passing data between webparts.

SiteDefinition and SiteTemplates
- Creating site definitions, there were lot of scripts given.
- Specifying a configuration that will be applied to only rootweb.
- Creating site templates that is based on the default site definition.