Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Passed 70-541 - WSS Application Development


I cleared 70-541 WSS Application Development, 70% of the questions were from APIs..

Here are some of the areas that i remember :

- A lot of questions were asked from this area, feature deployment, attaching event handlers with features
- There was a question which asked how we can get a list of features activated in a farm.

- Question on how to associate custom pages with workflows.
- Creating and updating a task using workflows.
- deploying workflows and associating it with document library.
- Deploying workflows and assiciating it with content types.

Admin APIs
- Questions related to changing settings using code.

Alerts & SPJobDefination
- Browsing through user alerts,
- changing frequency of user alerts.
- There was a question in which we have to get user alerts for 1 week using CAML query.
- There was another question where we need to fetch all the alerts that were to be sent on every monday for 5 weeks ( 5 occurances).
- Browsing through all the active job definitions.

Masterpages and Layouts
- Setting masterpages of all the rootsite and subsites using API.

- Creating webparts and deploying.
- Deploying webparts as feature and hosting user control.
- Creating connectable webparts and passing data between webparts.

SiteDefinition and SiteTemplates
- Creating site definitions, there were lot of scripts given.
- Specifying a configuration that will be applied to only rootweb.
- Creating site templates that is based on the default site definition.

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